Summer Snowmobile Storage Tips


Storing your Lynx snowmobile for the summer is often a sad day for snowmobilers but taking the right steps in spring can make all the difference once the snow starts to fall next season. We walk you through our summer snowmobile storage tips, tricks and product recommendations.


  1. Fuel system - Take care of the fuel in your tank.
  2. Engine and Chaincase oils - Get the old oils out and put in fresh oil.
  3. Prevent corrosion – internal and external



Odds are you’ve had to use ethanol-blended fuel, but even if you haven’t, probably the most important thing you can do is to add fuel stabilizer to any remaining fuel in the tank and run your sled long enough to get that mixture into the complete system. This is essential for long-term summer sled storage.

Recommended Product: XPS Carbon Free Fuel Treatment



If you’re the owner of a Lynx 4-stroke snowmobile, this is the perfect time to change your snowmobile’s oil, removing any dirt and particles before it sits all summer. If you’re the DIY-type, the XPS Oil Change Kit offered at your local Lynx dealer makes it easy with everything you need all in one box. Your dealer can also perform this service if preferred.

The oil change process is very simple and requires just a few tools that are easy to find at most local hardware or automotive stores.

In order to start the oil change process, you’ll want to park your sled on a level surface and bring the engine up to operating temp. Once warmed, shut the sled off, remove the left side panel and remove the oil dipstick located just behind the clutch cover.

Next, you’ll remove the right side panel to access and remove the oil filter.

The oil drain plug / plugs is found under the sled and is protected by and access cover. Remove one of the access cover screws and loosen the second enough to rotate the access cover out of the way to access the drain plug / plugs. Place a drain pan under the sled and remove the drain plug.

Once the oil has drained, replace the sealing washer (included in XPS oil change kit) on the drain plug. Reinstall the plug and protective cover. Install new oil filter and O-ring (both included in XPS oil change kit), and fill with the proper among of fresh oil (included in XPS oil change kit) as outlined in your operator’s manual.

Double check for any leaks, and dispose of your used oil responsibly.

Recommended Product: You’ll find the complete oil change kit from XPS makes this job quick and easy!



For all Lynx owners, now’s the time to refresh your chaincase oil. Take the old out and put in fresh oil so any moisture from winter use is eliminated and your chain and gears are coated with clean oil.

Recommended Product: XPS Synthetic Chaincase Oil



It’s important to inspect the entire brake system at this time as well. Check for any leaks or cracks in the brake hose and take a look at your brake pads and disc. If they’re in need of attention, this is the perfect time for replacement before the weather gets cold again. Brake fluid should be checked for proper level and replaced every two years. Since you’re already in the zone for swapping out old fluids for new, you might consider changing your brake fluid in spring, too. It’s more peace of mind than anything that you’ll have fresh stopping power when you hit the snow for that first rip next season.

Recommended Product: XPS DOT 4 Brake Fluid



This step is for sleds equipped with Rotax E-TEC 2-stroke engines only. Park your sled in a well-ventilated area near its final summer resting place. Running your sled through the E-TEC summerization mode automatically preps your sled’s engine for long term storage, and a successful start to the following season. The process is outlined in your owner’s manual (Found in the "Storage" section).

Recommended Product: XPS 2-Stroke Synthetic Oil




This summer sled storage step seems like an obvious one, but it’s probably the most overlooked. Grab the bucket, sponge and a hose and give your sled a good scrub and a rinse. This removes any dirt and salt that might be sitting on your sled, just waiting to corrode those metal parts. This step is especially necessary if you use an open trailer to transport your sleds. Even if you use an enclosed trailer, think of all the salty road crossings, and muddy corners you’ve carved throughout the season. Once thoroughly washed and dried, give it a good shining with a protective polish/wax before tucking your snowmobile in for the summer. Doing so will keep harmful substances away from the finishes on your sled and have it looking sharp when you pull the cover off next season.

And don’t forget to keep the inside looking as good as the outside. It’s equally important to get all dust and debris that may have accumulated inside the side panels. While you’re in there, remove the belt and give the clutches and brakes a good once over with cleaner so they’re operating at max performance when you throw the belt back on come next winter.




This is the one that gets missed! You’ve enjoyed a long riding season with your Lynx snowmobile, that has absorbed every bump, drop, mogul and sidehill along the way. All those moving parts have worked hard. It’s time to show them some love. Your Lynx snowmobile is outfitted with grease zerks to make this one of the easiest steps in the summer snowmobile storage process. You’ll find them near the base of the suspension arms in the rear skid, and you may also have a couple near the ski spindles depending on the year and model of your snowmobile. Consult your owner’s manual to make sure you find them all. A few pumps with the grease gun will have things nice and limber for next season.

Recommended Product: XPS Suspension Grease

While performing this task take the opportunity to inspect all rear suspension component for wear or tear. Such as wells bearing, track and sliders, this way you can plan the replacement for next fall or do it a as summer project.




With the above items checked off your summer sled storage list, it’s time to find that perfect seasonal resting place for your snowmobile. Consider lifting your sled off the ground, letting the track and skis hang freely so your sled’s suspension doesn’t sit compressed without moving for months on end. Jack stands work great for this, but typical items you probably already have in your garage – such as a 2x4 of adequate length – can work just fine. Cover it with a snowmobile cover, or even a tarp – but breathable covers are best to get moisture out. Doing so will keep it protected from any harmful substances that might accidentally find their way to your sled, and have it looking showroom-fresh when winter comes again. And if rodents are a concern, don’t be afraid to sprinkle a few moth balls under the hood and along the running boards, and block the muffler outlet with an old rag… just don’t forget to remove them before you fire it back up in the fall!

Recommended Product: Lynx Sled Cover