Men and Women on on a fence

معلومات السلامة

افهم جميع المميزات التشغيلية للمركبة التي تقودها - اتبع دليل المشغل.

تهمنا كثيرًا سلامتك وسلامة من يركب معك على الماء. استمتع بالمشاهدة!
سلامة السائقين هي أولويتنا القصوى. تعرف على المزيد حول ممارسات القيادة الآمنة في هذا الفيديو بما في ذلك فحص المركبة قبل الركوب وأثناءه، وساعد السائقين الآخرين على الاستمتاع بالحياة الخارجية بأمان لك وللآخرين.


We live by these rules, forged from years of off-road experience—and challenge you to remember them by any means necessary. They’ve kept us safe for years—now we’re passing them on to you.


Wear a helmet. Wear a helmet. Wear a helmet. Wear a helmet. Wear a helmet. Wear a helmet. Got it? Good.


Don’t numb the off-road experience: no alcohol, no drugs. Stay hydrated & take breaks to reduce fatigue.


Be at least 16 with a valid driver’s license for SSVs and ages 6-16 for ATVs, depending on vehicle and engine size — check safety labels to be sure.


Ride with friends—only if your ATV or Side-by-Side is designed to carry passengers. Unsure? Refer to Safety Decals on the machine.


Put your skills to the test and have proof: take a certified safety course. Want a shortcut? Here's a free SXS & ATV online course.


Everything we know about safety, in one place. Keep reading to see how focusing on safety always leads to the best possible ride. And please—don’t be shy about sharing this page.

Can-Am Maverick X RS Turbo RR with SAS


An uncomfortable rider is a bad rider.

If you’re not comfortable, you can begin focusing on the wrong things, which can lead you into an unsafe position. Your dealer, rider safety course, or local riding club can assist you with getting as comfortable as possible.

How you feel in the vehicle and how you’re responding to the terrain goes a long way to enjoying the off-road experience. If you’re not comfortable, you can begin focusing on the wrong things, which can lead you into an unsafe position.

Once you’re comfortable? Get goin’—now you can focus on riding safe and having fun!

Can-Am Maverick X RS Turbo RR with SAS


The foundation for every off-road ride.

Your shopping list (M / W): closed-toe shoes, long pants, long-sleeved shirt or jacket, gloves, eye protection, and weather-appropriate gear. Helmets should be approved by your local authority and be free from visible cracks, deep gashes, & signs of abuse.

As you progress, keep investing in yourself. Experienced riders often have gloves, waders, riding boots, and other riding gear chosen for a reason: if you know one, ask ‘em why.

Last point: extra layers, including rain gear, are compact and easy to bring along…staying warm and dry means no interruptions if the weather changes.

Can-Am Maverick X RS Turbo RR with SAS


Alcohol, drugs, and off-roading don’t mix.

In your backyard, spectating at Oldsmobile Hill or bogging deep at a mud park makes no difference to us: leave alcohol and drugs out of the experience. Please remember: being impaired is the fastest way to the scene of your crash.

If you’re not drinking, what then? You’ll experience an undiluted off-road ride, be truly ready for anything, keep loved ones safe, and you’ll stay legal.

Can-Am Maverick X RS Turbo RR with SAS


Don’t overload your vehicle.

Your vehicle is designed to carry a certain number of people. Refer to the warning labels located on the vehicle—don’t carry more than it’s designed for. Cargo areas, tailgate, and vehicle racks are never suitable for passengers, ever.

Two-seat ATV passengers must be capable of sitting upright, while firmly placing their feet on the footboards, with their hands on the rear handholds. Passengers should also be dressed correctly, and wearing a helmet.

Side-by-Side vehicles have seat belts—don’t carry more passengers than there are seatbelts, or modify the vehicle to carry additional passengers. All riders should be capable of sitting upright against the backrest, with seatbelt fastened, feet firmly planted and holding the grab bars.

Can-Am Maverick X RS Turbo RR with SAS


Take a training course—have more fun.

Taking a training course is essential. You’ll gain valuable experience from a certified instructor, learn about the terrain and conditions in your area, and feel more confident on future rides.

Your dealer is also a good resource for local training programs and off-road clubs that may offer certification programs.

Can-Am Maverick X RS Turbo RR with SAS


Respect the rules for age.

Nobody—at any age—should use an off-road vehicle if they aren’t a responsible rider. ATV riders on machines with engines 250cc and above should be at least 16 years old. Side-by-Side operators should be 16 years or older, with a valid driver’s license.


From our family to yours, thank you for taking the time to read, digest, and act on safety. It’s our responsibility to keep off-road areas free from crashes, garbage, excessive speed or noise.

Respect yourself, your passengers, your vehicle—and the land. Pay attention & ride safely.

Can’t wait to see you out there.

العبها وأبقها خضراء

وُجدت كان آم من أجل الأسرة والسلامة وقيمة الحياة على الطرق الوعرة.

ملعبك هو ملعبنا: احمه!
نلتزم بتصميم مركبات آمنة على الطرق الوعرة بجودة من المصنع، وهذا يعني أيضًا ملعبًا آمنًا.
·         تخلص من القمامة في سلة القمامة، وليس على الأرض!
·         احترم الحياة الفطرية النباتية والحيوانية والتضاريس في الأماكن الخاصة.
·         تأكد من أن مركبتك متوافقة مع لوائح البيئة المحلية.