Ta Ski‑Doo občutek

Drugačna znamka

Tako opisujemo naše sani in tiste, ki jih vozijo. Ti, čigar kri ni rdeča; vrti se rumeno. Ti, kdo ve, kaj pride po nevihti, si vse prej kot miren. Ti, kdo ve, kaj je tisti Ski-Doo Feeling v resnici.

Oglejte si našo serijo

Rad Rides

Izziv. Adrenalin. Nagrada

Za to živijo kolesarji Ski-Dooja in točno to tudi dobijo. Spremljajte naše strokovne voznike Ski-Dooja na njihovih najbolj epskih dogodivščinah z motornimi sanmi v epizodah Rad Rides.


Vezan s snegom

Naša ljubezen do snega ustvarja poseben odnos, ki zajema generacije. Doživetje na saneh samo še poveča to edinstveno vez. V Generations by Ski-Doo naši ambasadorji prenašajo svojo strast, da bi vas navdihnili, da vidite zimo na nov način.

Sled Sessions

Learn how to get sled-ready like the pros

Our pros know the best way to get the most out of sled season is to make the most out of the pre-season. Learn how they get their sled, gear and body prepped and ready to ride.



Learn more about the relentless innovation and technologies that drive us to help you find even more of That Ski-Doo Feeling.


Meet the people who worship winter like no other. Their adventures inspire, their passion consumes and, most of all, they share That Ski-Doo Feeling far and wide.


Sled reviews, awards and more. Get the latest news on Ski-Doo Snowmobiles from the most trusted voices in the industry.


From dominating snocross tracks around the globe to conquering the toughest hillclimbs to the world's most demanding endurance races, Ski-Doo racers have overcome them all.

Can we tag along?

Let us partake in your journey using the hashtag #ThatSkiDooFeeling