A variety of innovative hull designs for a variety of riding styles
T3-R Hull
ST3 Hull
GTI Hull
T3-R Hull
Performance Reimagined
Redesigned deep-V hull with innovative Shark Gill design delivers next-level acceleration and handling. Pinpoint rider-confidence even in the roughest water conditions.
ST3 Hull
Stable + Predictable
Whether you’re at high speeds pounding rough offshore waters, at rest hanging out in a cove or you’re simply boarding from the side, the wider hull offers industry-leading stability thanks to a lower center of gravity and improved hull design.
GTI Hull
Forgiving + Nimble
This moderate V-shaped hull guarantees a stable, enjoyable ride in variable water conditions. Confident, predictable handling but incredibly playful when you want it to be.
Light + Easy to handle
Light on weight, heavy on fun. The flatter V-shaped hull makes riding fun and easy in flatter water and small chop. And makes whipping through rougher conditions even more thrilling.
Polytec Hull
Light and nimble. Strong and robust. The second generation of Polytec hulls offers exceptional performance and peace of mind.
The lightweight nature of Polytec Gen II hulls means your ride is easy to tow, playfully fun on the water, and a pure joy to ride.
The Polytec Gen II is strong and sturdy, making the hull structure as tough as a barracuda. Plus, it's easy and affordable to repair, meaning waves and wind are fair game.
Peace of Mind
Polytec Gen II material is highly scratch resistant, meaning there's nothing to worry about when you pull up on shore. And any repairs are quick and simple, so you're back on the water sooner.
Vodilni dizajni trupov v panogi za vsak slog na vodi.
T3-R trup
ST3 trup
New GTI trup
SPARK trup
T3-R trup
Zmogljivost v novi podobi.
Prenovljen trup v obliki globokega V z inovativnim dizajnom Shark Gill zagotavlja lahkotno krmiljenje plovila in daje vozniku izjemen občutek varnosti tudi v težkih vodnih razmerah.
ST3 trup
Stabilen + zanesljiv
Ne glede na to, ali z veliko hitrostjo drvite po razburkanih morskih vodah, ali ste s plovilom v mirnem zalivu ali pa se preprosto želite vkrcati na plovilo s strani, širši trup plovila zagotavlja vrhunsko stabilnost zaradi nižjega težišča in izboljšane zasnove trupa.
Prizanesljiv + okreten
Ta klasični, prilagodljiv trup v obliki črke V je izdelan iz steklenih vlaken ali materiala Polytec in ga odlikuje majhna teža in večja stabilnost, kar omogoča prijetno vožnjo v spremenljivih vodnih razmerah.
SPARK trup
Lahek + enostaven za uporabo
Majhna teža, veliko zabave. Zaradi bolj ravnega trupa v obliki črke V je vožnja v bolj ravnih vodah in majhnih predelih zabavna in enostavna. Še bolj vznemirljivo pa je premagovanje težjih ovir.