Sea-Doo Tech

Innovations inspired by the way you ride


Confidence and Control

Whether at rest, riding rough waters offshore or taming the tight turns along your favorite river, Sea-Doo platforms are built to keep you in total control in any situation.

Rotax Engines

Legendary Power

Powered by Rotax engines with a sterling reputation for reliability, incredible response and inspiring power. No matter your style, there’s a Rotax engine with the perfect amount of power just for you.

High and Dry

Intelligent Debris Free Pump System (iDF)

Exclusive iDF debris free pump system lets rider to clear clogged intake with the just a button and without getting in the water.

Your New View

7.8-inch wide Bluetooth color display

Industry's first Bluetooth color 7.8-inch display. Hi-res view of vehicle vitals and map, weather, music and other apps.

Let's Go

BRP GO! app ups the fun on every ride

Can't imagine the Sea-Doo Life getting any better? Think again! Connect with friends, discover new points of interest and more, all from your dash with the BRP GO! app.


Carve the Waves

Ingenious Hull Designs

Sea-Doo hulls are thoughtfully designed to match the way you want to ride. Each is crafted down to the last detail with innovative materials and designs purpose-built to deliver the perfect ride.

We've Got You

Accessories, Parts and Gear

Whatever you're looking for, our online store has you covered with innovative accessories, advanced riding gear and the parts to keep you going.


Zjistěte více o technologiích Sea-Doo a inovacích jako jsou systémy iBR, VTS nebo exkluzivní Ergolock systém sedaček.

Nejstabilnější trup na trhu

Vše je o kontrole a stabilitě


Legendární síla a výkon

Vysoko a v suchu

Exkluzivní systém iDF umožňuje zpětný chod turbíny, díky kterému se zbavíte nečistot pouhým zmačknutím tlačítka a sami můžete zůstat v klidu na skútru.

Váš nový pohled

První Bluetooth celobarevný 7,8" široký displej v průmyslu vodních skútrů. S vysokým rozlišení zobrazení informací, mapy, počasí, hudby a dalších aplikací.


Robustní a oděru odolný inovativní materiál


Různé druhy a designy trupů pro rozdílné styly jízdy

Příslušenství, díly & výbava



    The Sea-Doo exclusive iBR® (Intelligent Brake and Reverse) has been recognized by the U.S. Coast Guard for improving boat safety since 2009.
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    The Next Level of Comfort
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