Jay Mantaberry

Hometown : Alpine, Wyoming

Current sleds : Summit X w/Expert Red/White 154, Summit X w/Expert Black Orange 154 SHOT


Mountains. There’s no better place to experience nature and realize how magnificent this world really is. So anything outdoors where you cannot see a flat horizon and sky for days is what I’m all about. I prefer snowmobiling (duh), dirt bikes, wake surfing, hiking, and camping.

Snowmobiling is without a doubt my favorite past time ever since I can remember, and I can assure you it will be number one for the rest of my life. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, there’s absolutely nothing like being able to go anywhere you and your machine want to go in the back country.  I think we can all agree that the amount of freedom is why we love this lifestyle so much!

My favorite place to ride would be southwest Wyoming. I’ve gotten to know most areas around here pretty well which means un-touched snow darn near every time I ride. Not to mention, there are some of the best features and snowpack in North America. BUT, British Columbia is a close second. It’s a freerider’s paradise that also offers some of the best technical riding I’ve ever experienced.

509 is now making outerwear which I’m really excited about.

Normal Job
I worked in construction this summer, but when it gets close to snow time, I get ready for the season, ready to win races and film progressive video segments.

Most fun on a sled ever
I’d have to say it was last January when all the Ski-Doo Backcountry Experts got together at Carl Kuster Mountain Park for our first ride on the new Summit 850s! It was an unreal experience. The riding was phenomenal with a few feet of powder and sunshine most of the time. At the end of one of the days I ran out of fuel like 5 miles from the fuel drop (which was about 15 miles from the truck) and it was somewhere around 7 pm. I double-rode to the fuel drop and warming hut with Carl to get some gas then we doubled back to my sled up and down through the trees doing tandem pow turns and sidehills…in the dark. That’s just an indicator to the days we had there. Good times.