Can-Am Adventure Tetovo 2022

Can-Am Adventure Tetovo 2022

U nedjelju 07.08.2022 održali smo prvu Can-Am Adventure u organizaciji novog salona Ski&Sea Skopje. Na događaju se okupilo preko 30 Can-Am vozila i više od 60 sudionika.

Can-Am Adventure Tetovo 2022


U nedjelju 07.08.2022 održali smo prvu Can-Am Adventure u organizaciji novog salona Ski&Sea Skopje. Na događaju se okupilo preko 30 Can-Am vozila i više od 60 sudionika.


Okupljanje je započelo u 10 sati na stadionu u Bogovinji, gdje su se sudionici i vozači Can-Ama prvo upoznali i doručkovali. Oko 11:30 krenuli smo našim vozilima prema obroncima Šar planine, gdje smo se divili živopisnoj prirodi. Prvo smo se zaustavili u Bachilati, gdje smo se fotografirali, a sudionici su razmijenili vozila i odradili probne vožnje.


Avantura je išla preko Popove Šapke do sela Lešnica, gdje su sudionici uživali u prekrasnom pogledu na prirodne slapove, a slikali smo se i dronom.

Avantura se nastavila na obroncima Šar planine, nekoliko kilometara ispod Titovog konopa, gdje smo se još jednom kratko zaustavili. Događaj je završio u hotelu Scardus, koji se nalazi na Popovoj Šapki, u blizini skijaškog centra, gdje su sudionici bili srdačno dočekani i uživali u izvrsnom ručku, hladnim napicima i kavi u hotelu.


Na polazište smo se vratili oko 19 sati. Veliko hvala i Hotelu Scardus na odličnom prijemu i gostoprimstvu. Nadamo se da ćemo na sljedećem događaju vidjeti još više Can-Am entuzijasta!



On Sunday, August 07.08.22 the first Can Am Adventure event took place under the auspices of Ski and Sea Skopje.

More than 30 vehicles and over 60 participants took part in the event.

The gathering started at 10 am at the stadium in Bogovinje, where all participants and drivers of Can Am vehicles gathered for good fellowship and enjoyment on the slopes of Shar Mountain. They were served with water and juice. 

 Headed to the slopes of Shar Mountain around 11:30 a.m., driving through a forest, we made the first break in Bachilata, where vehicles were photographed, there was an exchange of experiences and a comparison. 

The adventure continued along the slopes of Shar Planina, a few kilometers below Titov Vrv, where the second short break was held. 

The party continued at the Hotel Skardus, located on Popova Shapka, close to the ski center, where we were warmly welcomed and enjoyed a wonderful lunch, a cold drink and coffee in the hotel.

The adventure continued through Popova Shapka to the village of Leshnica, where the participants enjoyed the beautiful view of the waterfalls and nature, where there was photography and drone recording of the vehicles. 

In the afternoon, we headed to the point where the adventure started. 

The event ended around 19:00.

Big gratitude to,creativeworks and Hotel Skardus. 

We hope in the future that we will have a meeting again with a larger number of participants and lot of fun.

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Can-Am Adventure Tetovo 2022